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I have a 6 month old! + Baby Cupcakes
June 12, 2021
I can’t believe baby Jules is already 6 months old. Wow. We definitely HAD to celebrate with cupcakes, so I made some baby friendly options. There is literally nothing that I like on making food for babies, so I’ve been making my own. I’ll share a bunch of ideas here.
We just started giving Julien food to eat paint with. He seems to like everything but his favs are peanut butter, quinoa, avocado, and sweet potato. I love giving him real food and it’s fun to see him try new foods.
So for the “cupcakes” I mixed the following:
- 1 banana, mashed
- 2 T peanut butter
- 1 spoonful of full fat plain yogurt.
Super simple. I baked them at 350 for ~15 min until they were sort of set, then let them cool.

Julien loved smashing them, and actually ate most of the cupcake.

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