
Thoughts on Running in 2015: Part II

February 26, 2015

Run #LikeAGirl

I know it’s already well into 2015, but I like to take some time to disconnect after the season and not worry about training or racing. So I’m a little late to the game creating my goals for 2015, but nonetheless, here are my plans for 2015.

2015 Race Schedule

2/7 Vert Fest Skimo Race, Mt. Bachelor, 1st
This was my first actual skimo race. I had some technical issues, but it was a great all around experience.

3/7 Way Too Cool 50k
Should be fast and furious. A little intimidated to be running fast in early March.

3/28 Elk’s Grand Traverse, Skimo race
High on the ‘oh shit, what did I get myself into’ list. This is a 40 mile backcountry ski race from Crested Butte to Aspen beginning at midnight. It is going to be freezing cold, dark, and a little terrifying. WAY out of my comfort zone. Which is why I’m doing it πŸ™‚

4/11 Lake Sonoma
Classic. California wine country. Tropical John. Fantastic course and organization. Need I say more?

6/27 Western States
I am drawn to this race. It was my first 100 miler and I will never forget it. I’m going back to experience it all again….. I don’t have expectations for myself, except for improving areas where I struggled last year.

8/28 UTMB
Uncharted territory for me. The course profile alone intimidates me. But I like a challenge. And I really like espresso and croissants. I am very excited to give UTMB a go this year. It’s been on my bucket list for a few years now.

12/5 TNFEC
Great season ender. This race is tough- it’s late in the year, running conditions in Bend are less than desirable, and holiday craziness has already set in. But the energy and atmosphere make it worth the effort. Plus, the celebration afterwards feels so justified!

Other races
I’m hoping to add 1-2 races if everything goes to plan. I hate to have too many commitments until I really see how things play out. So, if recovery allows, I’d like to add races in May, early August, and the Oct/Nov. I’m considering a road marathon for the fall race. GASP! I know! I’ve been wanting to run a marathon for awhile though and there’s no time like the present.

Non-tangible goals for 2015

1. Be a positive ambassador for the sport
This is important to me. I want to be a positive role model and encourage others to uphold high standards in sportsmanship, environmentally, and

2. Run #LikeAGirl
That’s right. Get after after it and take chances! I’m not one to be intimidated by male runners, and I want to help bring women’s running to the same level as men’s running.

3. Get out of my comfort zone
Try some new things! I want to continue to challenge myself and do things I’m slightly intimidated by. Point in case: Grand Traverse and UTMB. Both will be totally new experiences for me, especially the ski race!

4. Keep a healthy work/run/life balance
The more involved I get in running, the more blurred these lines become. It’s important to me to keep a good balance though and remember that my life includes MANY different areas.

Someone’s excited

And finally, I have some great sponsors helping me to reach my goals! Thanks a ton for your support this upcoming year!

4 responses to “Thoughts on Running in 2015: Part II”

  1. Billybaroo says:

    You rock run like a girl

  2. Jax Koudele says:

    Check out Chicago Marathon (fills up really fast). It is SUPER fast and you will FLY. The course literaelly has cheer squads the ENTIRE way and is a really fun atmosphere.

  3. Kristi Lynn says:

    Love your goal of work/life/run balance!! Its hard to do when you are PASSIONATE about something, but also so important. As a workaholic its been my goal this year too… so far so good!

  4. Marcus Leo says:

    Hi, nice information. The way a runner runs depends on the kind of race he’s in. When the distance is small, an all-out sprint to the finish line is probably best. But when the distance is great, more self-control must be exercised. For the best possible chance of making it to the finish line first, a runner must control his expenditure of energy such that he has just enough strength to make it across the finish line. As I am a runner I am very particular about the workouts for runners to achieve the goal .

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