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Hemp Milk {No waste}
I just emerged from a powerful week in the desert with Protect Our Winters (POW) and am really amped on ways we can support our mother. Of course, the big changes need to happen (READ: VOTE), but that’s another conversation. Small things we do in our daily lives can still be impactful, and connect us to the bigger picture. The foods we choose to purchase and consume are an example of one these small things that makes an impact at an individual level.
Eating more plant-based foods is a great place to start. BUT, know that it’s not a substitute for being a conscious consumer!! Many plant-based foods are very wasteful and not much better than their meat alternative (don’t @ me on this one).
Plant-based beverage consumption is place we can do better. Think about all the waste that comes with the production of most almond/cashew/soy milks. And the plastic container waste produced each time we buy this product.
We can do better.
Instead, how about making your own hemp milk? There is no waste and the ingredients can all be purchased in bulk. Plus, it’s simple to make at home with just 3 ingredients (hemp, dates, water). How’s that for simple and sustainable?! And, hemp is a great source of protein and nutritionally dense.

1/4 c hemp hearts (I use NOW foods)
2 c water
2-3 dates, pitted
pinch of salt
Add to blender and process until smooth. No need to strain!
Let’s all do little things that make us feel good about keeping our footprint small and producing less waste.

This is awesome! Looking forward to making and looks simple to create.
Thank you!
Great! It’s so simple to make 🙂